Also, since I am such an animal lover, I wanted to post this stinking cute video I saw on TV a few weeks ago on the Bonnie Hunt show.
I kind of wonder if animals have a special connection with babies. Last week Kory's boss was out of town and Kory had to go check on his pitbull, Grey. I wanted a tour of his house, so I brought Parker in in her carseat. Grey could not see her because she was in her seat, but it was so crazy because by the way he was acting, he KNEW there was something interesting in there. He practically went crazy trying to get to her (don't worry, Kory had him on a leash). I put her down to where he could see her and he got SOOOO excited and really wanted to come check her out and I don't think he would of hurt her, but Kory held him back. It was pretty funny.
The other night I was at my mom's house and Parker was lying on the floor and our cat Garfield came and laid right by her. Although, knowing Garfield, he was probably just jealous. Either way, it was pretty cute.

1 comment:
Love the video. Jersey still comes and lays by Henley just like the cat did to Parker. I love it. She is just getting cuter.
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