There are a cerain few of you who have been wanting me to post these. I'm sorry if it grosses the rest of you out! I made them as small as possible! The one on the left was taken shortly after 5 months. The one on the right was taken this morning (6 1/2 months). I should have started taking belly pictures at one month because someday I'll want to look back at them, but of course it takes me forever to get things together!
Also... I got tagged by Stacie! It is a pretty easy one: All you do is go to your 6th picture album folder, pick the 6th picture and post it. After that, tag 5 friends.. Easy as that! It just so happens that I am pretty new at this blogging thing and I only have one picture folder, but I will do it anyway. I picked the 6th picture in my one file. It's not even a real life picture, but I still think it's pretty cute. I love Classic Pooh pictures and I have a bunch of them saved in my file. I am probably going to do something creative with them to put in my baby's room.

I have to think for a few days who I am going to tag, it's going to be hard since my blog is new and I hardly have any friends!