She is getting so much bigger and it breaks my heart just how extremely fast she is growing. But she gets more and more fun each day as well. She smiles almost ALL the time and she has such a cute personality. She does laugh a tiny little bit here and there (I have yet to capture that on video camera) so I can't complain too much about her growing. I just love being around her and I can hardly stand to be away from her for too long.

That baby seriously loves to look at herself in the mirror!
This is one of the few pictures we took on Easter sunday.
We went to church with my mom that day and Parker was so popular! Everyone kept telling me how adorable she is and that Kory and I did a great job. I just told everyone, "Yeah I know, but I'm not sure just how she got that cute....."

I didn't take one of her in her easter dress because 1) I am forgetful and 2) she wore a dress that she has already worn before that I have a picture of. What is the point of getting her a new dress that she will soon grow out of when she still has brand new ones hanging in her closet?
We went to church with my mom that day and Parker was so popular! Everyone kept telling me how adorable she is and that Kory and I did a great job. I just told everyone, "Yeah I know, but I'm not sure just how she got that cute....."