I know that most babies love food, but this little girl loves it like CRAZY! I mean REALLY CRAZY!!! Every time she sees food, sees me or Kory eating food, or sees anyone else at all eating food she starts to go into this frenzy and she starts licking her lips and says, "Nuh Nuh" which I think means yum, yum. She will eat absolutely anything and everything, it doesn't matter to her, she loves it all. It's like she's addicted so I have nicknamed her "The Food Junkie." I could probably feed her garbage and she would love it. Earlier I gave her a taste of guacamole and, yep, she loved it. Anyway, I always promised myself that I wouldn't give her any candy until her she was older, but of course I have broken that promise (I try not to give her very much though). You can call me a bad mom if you want and I probably am, but one her favorite things is licorice. I think she loves it so much because she can hold it and just sit and suck on it and it lasts a long time. I have given it to her twice and both times she acted like it was complete bliss. It is also the messiest thing EVER but of course that doesn't bother her.
This video shows just how happy she is when she is eating licorice! (It starts out really dark but gets lighter after a moment.)